Shack Night – 9/9/19
9th September 2019Tonight the shack opened for radio night. Members in attendance were Chris M0VWT, Damian 2E0TXE, Adrian M0PAI, Alan G0JNJ and Arthur M0GWF.
The main activity was getting the newly installed Xubuntu laptop hooked up-to the Icom 7300 and we spent the majority of the night with FT8 across multiple bands resulting in 27 contacts for the club. We were heard on FT8 40m in Australia but sadly were unable to make any contacts there. We still need to improve the situation with logging software on the laptop and work on the automatic uploading to eQSL.
Details were also given for the club’s activation of Gun Moor SOTA summit GB/SP-013 for next Monday, weather permitting. Members will be meeting at the layby 18:30 for the climb and setup and will operate on 2M, 20M and possibly other bands depending on conditions as GX1MWS. Alan and Arthur will be at the shack operating as GX4MWS.