Digital SSTV Event – 20th February 2022
17th February 2022ARISS Europe and ARISS USA teams plan to perform special SSTV Experiments using a new SSTV digital coding scheme. The first experiment in the series will utilize ARISS approved ground stations in Europe that will transmit these digital SSTV signals. These will be available for all in the ISS footprint when SSTV transmissions occur.
The first SSTV experiment is planned for 20 February 2022 between 05:12 UTC and 11:51 UTC for five ISS passes over Europe. Please be aware that this event depends on ARISS IORS radio availabilities and ISS crew support, so last-minute changes may occur.
SSTV Format
The used modulation is MSK w/o error correction. For the decoding of the 320 x 240 px image, the software KG-STV is required.
On this page you will find an prepared kgst_ISS.zip file to use for this ARISS-SSTV experiment.
The crossband repeater operates on a downlink of 437.800 MHz. Each transmission sequence will consist of 1:40 minute transmission, followed by 1:20 minute pause and will be repeated several times within an ISS pass over Europe.
NOTE: This is different from the usual SSTV events. MMSSTV will not decode these digital images. And the receive frequency is 437.800 not the usual 145.800.
UK Passes
20th February 2022 – These are the ONLY passes for this experimental event.
ARISS-SSTV Upload Page
All members of the ham radio community youth and the public are invited to receive and decode these special SSTV signals. Received SSTV images can be reported to the ARISS workgroup using the ARISS-SSTV Experiment Upload page.