Happy New Year – 2022
1st January 2022Happy New Year from everyone at GX4MWS!
2021 has been a difficult year with coming out of lockdown and getting back to using the club shack and facilities. We also have made huge improvements over this year;
- Shack repairs (we aren’t done but have made a massive progress this year already!)
- Addition of a 2m/70cm radio to the shack for local communications
- New hackspace for club members
- Improved documentation for using the shack equipment
- Members taking part in the VHF/UHF RSGB Affiliated club contests
- The club, and members, taking part in the CQWW SSB and CW contest
- Antenna maintenance to the 80m dipole, 40m Skyloop and Hexbeam
- Erection of a new 160m antenna!
The new year will bring new adventures in these difficult times. The club has plans in making for a field weekend during February, day trips to local radio swap meets, if things work out with restrictions the National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park, contesting, and finally members organising SOTA, WWFF and their own radio expeditions.
As usual the club will be on air weekly using the callsign GX4MWS across all bands, and modes, including SSB, digital and CW.